Monday, October 18, 2010

Caveat to previous post

Now for a caveat to the last post.  We, as women (or maybe it's just me), have a tendency to take things just a bit too far.  Here's my example.

When we lived in Abilene, TX, I hosted and led a Bible study.  I had three kids, Tim was deployed, and I cleaned the house, led the study, and made a snack (from scratch, of course).  My goal was not to alienate people, but to welcome them into my house, with their children if needed, so they could be refreshed and have some "grown-up" time.  It turned out I was discouraging them.  One woman said something to the effect of, "I'd never host one of these - it's too much work."

All my hard work had been taken too far - and I'm glad she said something.  I started a sign-up sheet for snacks, I stopped worrying about my house being perfectly clean, and I started being more real.

I think women want to know someone who is authentic, transparent, honest, real - whatever adjective you want to use, I don't care.  We are so busy trying to show that we have it all together, that we scare people away from sharing their true selves.  I believe one of Satan's greatest tools against us is to make us think that we are the only one that struggles.  You are not.  If you think you are, you need to find SOMEONE to confide in that can encourage you.  If you can't find one, contact ME.  I am a hateful, horrible person apart from the love of Christ in me.  Just ask my friends from high school.

So here you go - I struggle.  I am a perfectionist, a control freak, prideful, and I have very high standards - that I too often rudely shove onto others.  You might think that "she does everything" - but you don't see my house, my room, my quiet time, my rude mouth to my kids.  I have learned that some things have to be let go - like my idea that I can control things.  I am learning that God's way is INFINITELY better than my way.  Do I waste time on the computer?  Yes!  Do I forget that my FIRST priority should be God?  Yes!  Am I rude to those that are the most important to me?  Yes!  I could go on and on, but I think you get it.

All this to say - yes, we need a clean house to be hospitable.  It doesn't need to be perfect....just try to keep it from being filthy and vermin-ridden.  <just kidding!>

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