Saturday, August 21, 2010

What is Hospitality?

Hospitality is kind of hard to define, don't you think?  It's inviting people into your house, but it's more than that.  It's making them feel welcome and loved.  So how do you do that?  I'm not sure it's the same for everyone, but here are some ideas from my experience.

  1. Don't have your house TOO clean.  Yes, for the "special" event, you want your house to be clean, but for the "everyday" invite, you don't need your house to be spotless.  It can be very intimidating for people to come over and see your perfectly clean home.  They will then think THEY can't have people over without having a perfect house.  
  2. Get as much stuff done before people arrive as you can.  If you can't spend time with your guests, they won't feel welcomed.
  3. Whatever you don't or can't get done, be sure that you allow your guests to help if they offer.  Don't get so wrapped up in doing it perfectly that you ignore the human factor.  People like to feel useful and like they're a part of the fun.
  4. Be flexible and be willing to laugh at yourself if something doesn't go quite right.  If you stress, your guests stress.
  5. Last, but not least, HAVE FUN!!!

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